Therapist in Bradford-on-Avon

Category: Potential

  • Self-worth Challenge (Part 3)

    Welcome to part 3 of the Self-worth Challenge! This is the final part of my blog on discovering healthy self-worth. You can find Part 1 if you click here, and Part 2 here So far we’ve learned that self-awareness and self-acceptance are important aspects of discovering and healing our sense of self-worth. The third ingredient…

  • Self-worth Challenge (Part 2)

    Welcome to part 2 of the Self-worth Challenge. You can find Part 1 if you click here. We’ve talked about the importance of developing self-awareness as one of the steps to gaining insight into your own self-worth with the intention of improving it. Your development of your own self-awareness is now a work in progress.…

  • Self-worth Challenge (Part 1)

    How do you really feel about your self-worth? Have you ever stopped to think?  If you’re curious to discover more about developing a healthy sense of self-worth this three-part blog is for you! I’m going to be inviting you to start your journey into understanding your self-worth by setting you some gentle challenges. All you…

  • Finding Self Acceptance

    Would you rather be someone else? If you’re not feeling happy with who you are right now, and wish you weren’t ‘you’ but someone else with better qualities, I get it!  I’ve been there myself. Life can be a real struggle, a disappointment and seem to be so unfair at times when we feel we…

  • A bridge to somewhere

    A bridge takes us from one place to another, with more ease. If this basic wooden bridge wasn’t there I would either have to leap and hope for the best (probably not a good idea for me!) or scramble down and up a steep bank getting my feet wet in the process. This way takes…

  • Walk and Talk Therapy

    Walk and talk therapy happens in the outdoors; the natural environment becomes the therapy room. I meet with clients at an agreed place in the countryside or an uncrowded outdoor space and we walk together and talk about what is important to the client. Since Covid, it has become a more popular means of connecting…

  • Food, Gut and Mental Health

    I recently attended an online lecture with Margret O’Brien, nutrition and lifestyle coach, though Iron Mill College. The main message was that it has been proven by research that good nutrition supports good mental health and poor nutrition can contribute to mental health problems. This post will share some of the main points which caught…

  • Everybody’s talking at me

    Everybody’s talking at me I don’t hear a word they’re saying Only the echoes of my mind ‘Everybody’s Talking’ is popular song made famous in the evocative film “Midnight Cowboy”. This tune has always stuck with me. It has started playing in my mind on occasions when I have felt ‘talked at’ for too long…

  • Let the children play

    Let the children have their way Let the children play Let the children play Carlos Santana / Leon N Patillo ‘Let the children play’ is a sentiment very close to my heart at the moment. Children of Ukraine Events in Ukraine serve to focus my thoughts on children where their previously safe world has suddenly…

  • Would you change?

    To change or not to change ? The simple truth is, change is hard. This post starts to explore change as a process and how counselling fits in. How we ‘do life’ is often done in a very familiar and predictable kind of way. This gives us the comfort of knowing what to expect and…