Author: bgamlin

  • The Counselling Journey

    Counselling is a bit like going on a journey together. We start by building a safe place which will always be there when you need it. That’s the confidential space where we meet and the professional relationship built on trust, acceptance and caring between us. We learn what’s important for you – your destination –…

  • A Personal Bill of Rights

    This Personal Bill of Rights is an idea that we all have certain rights as human beings in personal relationships with others. We should be free to exercise these rights in a relationship and allow others the same freedoms. I’ve included this list in my blog because I have found it helpful to use as…

  • Will you be lonely this Christmas?

    How will you be lonely this Christmas? The Pressure of Christmas There’s just so much pressure to be jolly at Christmas isn’t there? Everybody seems to be having a wonderful time, but for many of us it can be a bitter sweet experience, or there may be no sweet at all. For all the people…

  • What does good therapy look like?

    Does Instagram sometimes make you cringe? I’ve been posting content on Instagram for nearly a year now @belgamlincounselling. The amount of mental health and therapy content on this popular social media channel is huge! Some of it is very, very good, but also I’m noticing a feeling of disquiet in me around content I’ve seen…

  • A bridge to somewhere

    A bridge takes us from one place to another, with more ease. If this basic wooden bridge wasn’t there I would either have to leap and hope for the best (probably not a good idea for me!) or scramble down and up a steep bank getting my feet wet in the process. This way takes…

  • Do you have a critical voice?

    Do you ever have a niggly, critical voice in the back of your head telling you that you aren’t good enough? I’d say it’s likely you do because it’s a pretty normal phenomenon. This voice can actually hold us back from getting on in life and make us feel miserable. The trouble is it can…

  • What colour are you feeling today?

    I love a nice bit of colour! A garden in full bloom gives me a real lift. And I really admire people who can wear flamboyant colours; something I struggle to do but I’m working on it! Colours are like a language and have different cultural meanings. Colour can also describe how we feel inside.…

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Working with metaphor can be fun and revealing ! In this post I explore a combination of using a fairy tale and the natural environment when I was working in an orchard. Once upon a time there was a forest of Thorns… Recently I have been working in an old orchard which has become overrun…

  • Walk and Talk Therapy

    Walk and talk therapy happens in the outdoors; the natural environment becomes the therapy room. I meet with clients at an agreed place in the countryside or an uncrowded outdoor space and we walk together and talk about what is important to the client. Since Covid, it has become a more popular means of connecting…

  • The loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

    In this post I reflect on my own experience of grief and loss. We all experience loss differently but there can also be many similarities in our experiences in the unfolding process of grief. I wonder how the loss of The Queen impacted on you? Anticipating loss I was in a supermarket car park, in…