Therapist in Bradford-on-Avon

Category: Self esteem

  • Gaming Addiction and Digital Technology: Impact on Mental Health

    We’re all impacted… Do you think you are impacted by gaming addiction or overuse of technology? Maybe or maybe not, but we’re all probably aware of what a time-sink going online can be. It feels like 10 minutes but when we look at the clock two hours have flown by! Two hours we’ll never get…

  • Finding Self Acceptance

    Would you rather be someone else? If you’re not feeling happy with who you are right now, and wish you weren’t ‘you’ but someone else with better qualities, I get it!  I’ve been there myself. Life can be a real struggle, a disappointment and seem to be so unfair at times when we feel we…

  • A Personal Bill of Rights

    This Personal Bill of Rights is an idea that we all have certain rights as human beings in personal relationships with others. We should be free to exercise or assert these rights in a relationship and, at the same time, consider the needs of others, allowing them the same freedoms. I’ve included this list in…

  • What does good therapy look like?

    Does Instagram sometimes make you cringe? I’ve been posting content on Instagram for nearly a year now @belgamlincounselling. The amount of mental health and therapy content on this popular social media channel is huge! Some of it is very, very good, but also I’m noticing a feeling of disquiet in me around content I’ve seen…

  • Do you have a critical voice?

    Do you ever have a niggly, critical voice in the back of your head telling you that you aren’t good enough? I’d say it’s likely you do because it’s a pretty normal phenomenon. This voice can actually hold us back from getting on in life and make us feel miserable. The trouble is it can…

  • What colour are you feeling today?

    I love a nice bit of colour! A garden in full bloom gives me a real lift. And I really admire people who can wear flamboyant colours; something I struggle to do but I’m working on it! Colours are like a language and have different cultural meanings. Colour can also describe how we feel inside.…

  • Everybody’s talking at me

    Everybody’s talking at me I don’t hear a word they’re saying Only the echoes of my mind ‘Everybody’s Talking’ is popular song made famous in the evocative film “Midnight Cowboy”. This tune has always stuck with me. It has started playing in my mind on occasions when I have felt ‘talked at’ for too long…